Thursday 11 April 2013

Pregnancy and the facts they dont tell you.

As of today I am 26 and 3 days into my first pregnancy. Ive read some books, browsed blogs and picked up pamphlets all informing of what to expect while I experience the miracle of pregnancy. Everyone tells you its going to be so wonderful, the best experience of your life, you'll feel amazing all the time and have this blissful connection to your unborn child; what they don't tell you is that most of this (for me anyway) is not true.
For the first 4 months I felt like I had the worst case of the flu that would never go away. I was dizzy, weak, exhausted all of the time, throwing up and couldn't stand the smell of anything, including my wife. I spent most of my time wishing and hoping that this horrible feeling would go away and I would start to feel as wonderful as everyone said I would be feeling. By 4.5 months my sciatic nerve started to creep down my legs and into my lower back and became so painful that at one point that I was in so much pain and crying my eyes out while holding on to our kitchen table because I couldn't move a muscle. I tried yoga and swimming but nothing was working to alleviate the daily pain. Finally after a month of daily sobbing, it went away. So by 5.5 months I was finally starting to feel somewhat normal, if you can call having something move in your belly constantly "normal".
For the past month the biggest struggle has been my growing belly. I cannot get comfortable in my bed and have spent the past 4 weeks sleeping on the couch because it seems to be the only place I can actually sleep. Did I mention that my body temperature is crazy high at night and I generate so much heat that its annoying for me and my wife. They don't tell you that your vagina gets so hot and sweaty that its distracting, especially at night. My skin is stretching rapidly and Ive never been so itchy in my life. There are some days I want to rip my skin off its so irritated.
So here I am, 26.3 weeks pregnant, just a week away from entering my third trimester and trying to not think about this baby coming out my vagina in a few months. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to have this little one join our family, I just wish more people were real with the information regarding pregnancy. As my ribs hurt and my mobility gets lesser everyday, I'm still looking forward to the next stage.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Sense of Entitlement

Ok so, you're broke, living in a dumpy apartment that you have decided to call 'kitsch' to cover up the fact that it sucks, you're using public transit or riding that rusty bike you found on Craigslist for ten bucks and you're currently working retail to get by. Welcome to the real world little hipster! The thing that irks me is this sense of entitlement that you bring with you when you're hired. This attitude that you're just too damn good for anything and everything that you've been hired for, yet you want more money for doing nothing. Lattes start your morning and along with it come dirty looks, slacking off and the assumption that for just be being there; you should get paid twenty bucks an hour. Get over yourself. Most people are earning minimum wage and don't complain half as much as you do. I worked at the same store for eight years, and I worked my butt off and only get a raise once a year and it was nothing (sometimes literally nothing). You have to actually do your job, show up on time, and do what your manager tells you and not talk back and show some damn initiative. Maybe after a year, then I’ll see if you deserve a raise; not a week after you started. Just because Mommy and Daddy gave you money for rent, food, your shitty bike and those way too tight clothes so you could enjoy your ten years of school (slacking) doesn’t entitle you to be lazy as hell. Get up, get a job, show up on time and shut up. Grow up little hipster, grow up. Hug your dog. Pick up its pop. Enough said.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Welcome to my rant.

Today is Saturday October 29th, 2011 and this is my first blog. Welcome to an introduction into my mind and how it operates (which I feel will help you understand why I say what I do). Have you ever watched a t.v commercial and cried? You're not exactly sure why you cried at that Tim Hortons commercial with the Daughter and Dad sharing their special moment over a double double, but you did. If you answered yes, so did I. Have you ever looked at your family pet and started to cry because you can't understand why someone would hurt an animal for pleasure? So have I. Have you ever wondered why so many people now seem really, really dumb? So do I.
As the address of my blog states, I'm a thirty something girl who has student debt, credit card debt, dog debt and a job that isnt even in the field I wanted to be in after acquiring all that debt; go figure. Occupy Wall Street has spread around the world, yet I have no desire to a part of it because I believe some of the people involved don't even understand why they are protesting. Most of the world is broke, hungry and not working yet we still idolize people like Kim Kardashian (I still don't understand who exactly she is, nor do I care) and Justin Bieber. Television shows paid top dollar to have her lavish wedding on their networks yet the U.S unemployment rate is 9.1%. Yes, this seems to make sense. (I'll save subject this for another blog posting)
Anyway, welcome to my blog. Ill swear, rant, be mean occasionally, and say nice things as well, but mostly I just want to speak my mind and have it possibly change someone's point of view for the better.

Hug your dog.